
As you read—listen to “The Valley in Betwen”

—by Goldmund

I can feel her coming

My sealed eyes longing for the darkness to break

I won’t miss her this time

I won’t—I can’t

It's been a while—do you think she’ll recognize me

The lines on my face are deeper than they used to be

Scarred from the frigid bite of Winter

Do you think she remembers me

Nevertheless—I lift my wind-burned face

And turn to the mountain behind me—where she lives

I look—and I breathe

I won't miss her this time—I won’t

I won’t

It’s funny, I resented her—Daybreak

I thought her coming meant I had to let go of everything

The pain, the grief, the cold—Winter

I look—I squint my eyes—I wait

I can’t miss her this time

I breathe in

And there she is—a long-awaited and welcome friend

Running—and with outstretched arms, she greets me

And I

I embrace her warmth with every fiber of my chilled being

I breathe in and shed my Winter coat

Spring has finally come


The Longest Night (Solstice)